We do not refund or exchange just for change of mind, so please think twice before choosing your product and feel free to ask as many questions as you like. If the item provided is different than described or is faulty, we will work with you to resolve the issue as soon as possible by replacing, repairing or refunding your money as provided for by law.
Why do we charge cancellation fees?
When you book with us you are requesting us to turn away other work, allocate you staff, preparation time and equipment. Equipment and paperwork are prepared the day prior to the event and staffing schedules are released up to a week in advance of your event.
Cancellation Fees
72 hours or more prior to the event 20% of total hire
48 hours prior to the event 25% total hire fee
24 hours prior to the event 30% total hire fee
Day of the event 50% total hire fee